Welcoming Belgian trainees from Lycée Don Bosco in local companies


6 trainees learning French as a foreign language in the fields of electricity, joinery, finishing work and welding.

Groups of 6 Belgian trainees hosted by local companies in March 2024. Visit to the Palace of the Kings of Majorca. From left to right: Louis, Jasper, Ives, Poliet, Lander, Yassin.
Groups of 6 Belgian trainees hosted by local companies in March 2024. Visit to the Palace of the Kings of Majorca. From left to right: Louis, Jasper, Ives, Poliet, Lander, Yassin.
Yassine, welder, and his tutor
Yassin, welder, and his tutor
Lander onsite with 2 workers
Lander onsite
Jasper, electricien, and his tutor
Jasper, electrician, and his tutor


7 trainees learning French as a foreign language in the fields of electricity, electromechanic, construction and industrial automation